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API Introduction

Welcome to our API documentation! This guide provides an overview of how to interact with our API, leveraging the power of GraphQL, understanding our API structure, and securely authenticating your requests. The API endpoint can be found at

Introduction to GraphQL

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries. It allows clients to request exactly the data they need, avoiding over and under-fetching of data. Our API uses GraphQL to provide a flexible and efficient way for data retrieval and manipulation.

API Structure and Approach

Our API is structured around various resources such as products, orders, and users. Each resource has corresponding endpoints:

  • Fetching Data: Query endpoints for data retrieval.
  • Creating Resources: Mutations to create new resources.
  • Updating Resources: Mutations to update existing resources.
  • Deleting Resources: Mutations to delete resources.

GraphQL's flexibility allows for fetching precisely what you need, ensuring efficient data handling. Additionally, real-time data updates are possible through GraphQL subscriptions.

API Authentication

Security is a top priority, and our API uses Bearer Token authentication. The token can be found in the settings area of your account (note: this feature is in development and will be available soon).

To use the token, include it in the Authorization header of your HTTP requests:

Keep your token secure and do not share it publicly. This token ensures that your requests to our API are authenticated and authorized.

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN_HERE

In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into each aspect of the API, providing you with the knowledge to make the most out of our services.